Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Mother's Story

Another summer gone by, my thoughts stuck at my children’s laughter playing board games together. Seeing them having fun with each other’s company made me feel lighter. It has been awhile to see them like this. Not having tension between them relaxes me. The joy in my heart made me hum my favorite children song.

Children are my joy. Every Saturday I gathered them. I taught them songs and stories about Christ and how important Christ’s character. I treated them like my own on top of my three crazy ones. are grown now with their own points of view clasping against one another. I was may be a lucky mom, who have strong minded children. They must have special minds of their own that I cannot even keep up with their doings.

Teenagers- they thought they’re above all things. Do not get scared of danger. Do not even get scared that death can easily snack them in seconds. They thought they know better.

Each of them was special to me but at times they drained my energy especially on the time I became the financial source when my husband had cerebrovascular accidents.

I wasn’t trained at all to deal with business matters nor handling finances. I wasn’t prepared at all the impact from my husband’s health crisis. But I remembered my youth, how free spirited I was learning from my own steps. (Pause), this is another challenged my life is taking me.

As a fourth child, who was born and raised in a farm from a family of ten children. I believed it was with a purpose in preparation for my very steep experience climb. Aside from having the agility and strength I also have a caring heart, which cares deeply for my family although I was being misunderstood.

My happiness revolved around them. Making them happy and supplying their needs were my utmost joy. I do whatever I can to make them feel comfortable to be around me. I wasn’t born with silver but my dreams for my family’s safety and security are sufficient.

Being not finished from the University it is a struggle for me to stabilize the financial situation of the family. The children are grown with greater demands, their daily needs including tuition, and so as my husband’s medications.

What will I do? We didn’t save as much money. The business is gone. I need to sustain our needs. I sold some of our properties but only lasted for a month. I remembered I fed them rice and dried fish from breakfast to dinner. They hardly complain but it becomes tasteless long term.

The house we invested start to rot. It is a three storey native house made from coconut lumber and bamboo.  It needs repair. What do I do? I diverted my mind to cooking but my worries consume me.

One day my feet guided me to grandfather’s room. I hardly go in there as he hardly recognizes anyone. He called my name. He has Alzheimer's but how was he able to recognize me. I went closer and handed me the family’s pharmaceutical formula. I was in disbelief why he gave this to me not to his children.

My husband was waiting for me relaxing on his favorite chair. I told him what had happened  and we started formulating it. We have a business. The business went good, but I don’t have the skills with marketing. It only helps us get through our needs.

I came back from deep thoughts when my assistant shook me if I am okay. She noticed me smiling while locking my sight to my children. I better finish steaming the bottles so I could prepare something special for dinner.

It is mother’s day and I so appreciate the greetings from my family.
That was then. A lot had happened after that. Late 2009 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. February 2012 I reunited with the Lord.

My life on earth was very challenging but fulfilling. It was me and my God’s fight and I delighted to serve my purpose- to become a mother, a wife, and a good steward to my family.

May this Mother’s Day gives you the warmest love from your family.


Dedicated to my mom.

Rangielita Cabaneles- Cartagenas
June 5, 1954- February 3, 2012


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